Twin flames

He was my secret for many years, this man that has been pictured inside my head from early childhood. I have always loved him so deeply that it often made me sad that I wasn't with him. It made me feel half, like something was missing. I didn't know who he was or if he even was real, but I knew what he looks like and what kind of personality he has. My devotion to him was complete. There has never been anyone else and never will be. 

I never told anyone about him, but with each passing year he became more and more real to me. When I learned of the term "twin flame" I realized that he was my twin flame. Everything became so clear when I understood that this man was my other half, the one I belonged with and the one I wanted to be with. All I needed to do was to find him ... 

The twin flame love is the most beautiful love story. He or she is the other part of your soul and "the one". Everyone has a twin flame, whether you are aware of it or not. When I was growing up I had never heard of anyone who was experiencing the same thing I was and that made me believe that it wasn't very usual. But one thing is for sure. If you have seen someones face pictured in your head for a long time and feel devoted love to this person, then he/she is your twin flame. 

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